News Commentary: Greece cracks down on illegal immigration amid financial crisis.

Imagine 2,000 officers bordering a national border to keep illegal immigrants away. Currently in Greece, there are now 1,500 more officers bordering it just to amid financial crisis.

Greece had launched a campaign to block 130 miles this month. Why? Well, of course, to stop illegal immigrants. But why would they do that much for just this? Well it doesn't seem like a big problem, but it is making Greece have more jobs unemployed. Some people come to work (says Anwar) too though. They will be put in detention for 3 months, which is pretty long in my opinion. The authorities say that they will be deported as they come in though. As the illegal immigrants keep on coming, there are starting to become more violence, which is not good....

From the news article, it seems like Greece is fighting pretty hard to stop immigrants, but they are just keep on coming, even from the huge line of officers and the punishments they get from crossing.
9/25/2012 11:29:26 pm

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